Sharanya Misra

A little over 15 months ago, I embarked on the highly unfamiliar, yet known to be exciting, journey of Parenthood😊. Legends have proven to be true, and I am sleepless ever since 😉 And yet, somehow, it all seems worth it!

One of my earliest moments, with my baby girl.
One of my earliest moments, with my baby girl.

These 15 months have helped me envision the next 15 years of my future, if not a lifetime – fraught with worry, and yet oddly satisying. But even as I say that, I must add, it’s not all rosy. It’s not all about the cuteness and the play. If parenthood endows one with virtues, the first one to acknowledge would definitely be patience😅.

Ever since I became a mother, many have asked me why I haven’t been writing about it. Partly, it was simply because of the lack of time. I have been dedicatedly focussing on my child, leaving little time for myself, and blogging is hard work! But if I were to be completely honest, it was also because I was on a foolish quest to ‘perfect’ the art of parenting before I put it out there for the world to read. 😊 Thankfully, it took me less than a year to realise, parenting is SELDOM, and yet somehow is ALWAYS, perfect!

So here I am, sharing my moments as a mother and a parent. On some days it may just be about the knowledge that I have gathered along this exciting journey. Knowledge and information, that will hopefully help some other new parent, as it did for me. On other days, it will probably just be about my personal experiences and musings. Either way, the series will always be about the blessed moments, of being a Mommy.😍 So join me on this ride. Let me know your experiences as a mother, tell me if you disagree or if you know better so that I too can learn, share it with new(or old) parents who you think it would matter to, or simply, just drop a little comment of love so I know I have reached you 🙂

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