Sharanya Misra


Building a Secure Attachment with My Baby

Did you know that everything we do in our child’s first year could be a great opportunity to build a…

Is our language as new-age parents INCLUSIVE Enough?

I was looking through some parenting content on Google recently when the picture of a ‘family’ from a children’s book popped up. It showed a…

How Co-Sleeping became pivotal in my Motherhood Journey

My 3.5-year-old daughter and I co-sleep every day. Mostly during the nights, but also on the weekends, when we take our afternoon naps together too...

Working Parents & Their Sanity – Building a Support System

Let me at the outset clarify that when I mention ‘work’ here, it includes ANY work. So, it could be the work at home done…

When a Mother’s Heart Sings #Poetry

Happiness runs around my house On tiny feet and little toes With a skip, jump and a hop, The sweetest voice humming random notes. Laa…

What’s in my Baby Bag? (Diaper Bag Essentials)

A baby bag is ESSENTIAL for anyone accompanying a child. It is a magic bag that contains everything you could possibly need to put your…

What having a girl child meant to me! #MommyMoments

I had fought battles to shed all these layers that society had thrust upon me growing up, just because I was a GIRL. And now,…

Day Care for Children – Yay or Nay? #MommyMoments

A decision that found me spiraling in doubt and despair, thanks to the social taboo we associate with sending our children to nurseries. For some…

EBooks to the Rescue. #MommyMoments

Little by little, I allowed my book- thirsty self to re-emerge. Soon, I had seamlessly transitioned from a traditionalist to a modern reader, and I…

Re(de)fining Traditions for our Children. #MommyMoments

We can either carry on with the traditions of our past, associating histories and memories with them, or, ask ourselves if they can be tweaked…

A Little Lesson in Love. #MommyMoments

There I was, a 30 year old, unable to love the way my 16 month old daughter did. It made me realise how much of…

Parenting is a Father’s responsibility too. #MommyMoments

Parenting is about shared family time, fun in togetherness, combined decisions – a project in partnership. And when the father is around, he needs to…

Parenting Support Groups on Facebook #MommyMoments

Four groups on Facebook that have had my back through this journey. They say it takes a village to raise a child. And what could…

A serendipitous lockdown, with my daughter. #MommyMoments

This post is part of my Mommy Moments series. They say life is all about the unexpected. A story of the unprepared chancing upon the…

Mommy Moments

A little over 15 months ago, I embarked on the highly unfamiliar, yet known to be exciting, journey of Parenthood😊. Legends have proven to be…

I wish I had known this about C-Sections!

At 6.30 AM one Sunday, I was wheeled into the Operation Theater and shortly thereafter my daughter came wailing out into the world. A beautiful…

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