Sharanya Misra

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read #BookReview

I am not sure what pushed me to pick ‘the book with the orange cover’ that had been sitting on my shelf for 3 years. I hadn’t given it much thought until a year ago when finally, thanks to its …

When a Mother’s Heart Sings #Poetry

Happiness runs around my house On tiny feet and little toes With a skip, jump and a hop, The sweetest voice humming random notes. Laa la laa, la laa la laa… Happiness makes my home come alive With incessant chatter and queries non stop, With unending role plays And twirly dances in bright little frocks. […]

What’s in my Baby Bag? (Diaper Bag Essentials)

A baby bag is ESSENTIAL for anyone accompanying a child. It is a magic bag that contains everything you could possibly need to put your child at ease!  (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.)   It was right after I came home from the hospital, with a brand new baby in tow, that I […]

Parenting is a Father’s responsibility too. #MommyMoments

Parenting is about shared family time, fun in togetherness, combined decisions – a project in partnership. And when the father is around, he needs to be an active partner, not a silent one.      (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) It was about 3 months into my journey of motherhood that […]

Parenting Support Groups on Facebook #MommyMoments

Four groups on Facebook that have had my back through this journey. They say it takes a village to raise a child. And what could be better than having the village just a click away! (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) New parenthood is chaotic. That’s a truth that, no matter how […]

A serendipitous lockdown, with my daughter. #MommyMoments

This post is part of my Mommy Moments series. They say life is all about the unexpected. A story of the unprepared chancing upon the unplanned. And sometimes, this chance meeting can be serendipitous. We came back to India in Feb this year with a buoyancy in every step. We were back, just in time. […]

Mommy Moments

A little over 15 months ago, I embarked on the highly unfamiliar, yet known to be exciting, journey of Parenthood😊. Legends have proven to be true, and I am sleepless ever since 😉 And yet, somehow, it all seems worth it! These 15 months have helped me envision the next 15 years of my future, […]

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