Sharanya Misra

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read #BookReview

I am not sure what pushed me to pick ‘the book with the orange cover’ that had been sitting on my shelf for 3 years. I hadn’t given it much thought until a year ago when finally, thanks to its …

Working Parents & Their Sanity – Building a Support System

Let me at the outset clarify that when I mention ‘work’ here, it includes ANY work. So, it could be the work at home done by a home-maker-parent or it could be work in a professional/entrepreneurial environment. Either way, every parent struggles to find that fine balance between ‘work’ and ‘parenting’, especially with younger kids […]

When a Mother’s Heart Sings #Poetry

Happiness runs around my house On tiny feet and little toes With a skip, jump and a hop, The sweetest voice humming random notes. Laa la laa, la laa la laa… Happiness makes my home come alive With incessant chatter and queries non stop, With unending role plays And twirly dances in bright little frocks. […]

What’s in my Baby Bag? (Diaper Bag Essentials)

A baby bag is ESSENTIAL for anyone accompanying a child. It is a magic bag that contains everything you could possibly need to put your child at ease!  (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.)   It was right after I came home from the hospital, with a brand new baby in tow, that I […]

Day Care for Children – Yay or Nay? #MommyMoments

A decision that found me spiraling in doubt and despair, thanks to the social taboo we associate with sending our children to nurseries. For some reason, our society looks at this choice as an “abandonment”. (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) The Dilemma. When my daughter turned about 4 months old, I […]

EBooks to the Rescue. #MommyMoments

Little by little, I allowed my book- thirsty self to re-emerge. Soon, I had seamlessly transitioned from a traditionalist to a modern reader, and I was grateful for the existence of this new medium! (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) If you have been a parent to a newborn or a toddler, […]

Re(de)fining Traditions for our Children. #MommyMoments

We can either carry on with the traditions of our past, associating histories and memories with them, or, ask ourselves if they can be tweaked to make way for a better tomorrow.    (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) India is a land of traditions. We, as a society, revere and revel […]

A Little Lesson in Love. #MommyMoments

There I was, a 30 year old, unable to love the way my 16 month old daughter did. It made me realise how much of our innocence we lose as we grow up.    (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) My toddler hates her hair being washed. HATES it. There’s simply no […]

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