Dear Girls, Marriage is so much More than the Wedding Day!
The below post has been published on Women’s Web and was selected as a Featured Post. I was watching the popular English sitcom Friends the other day and a dialog of Monica’s on her brother’s wedding made me stop and take notice. She said “Ross, how long have you been thinking of this wedding? Emily […]
How Co-Sleeping became pivotal in my Motherhood Journey

My 3.5-year-old daughter and I co-sleep every day. Mostly during the nights, but also on the weekends, when we take our afternoon naps together too…
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read #BookReview

I am not sure what pushed me to pick ‘the book with the orange cover’ that had been sitting on my shelf for 3 years. I hadn’t given it much thought until a year ago when finally, thanks to its …
Working Parents & Their Sanity – Building a Support System

Let me at the outset clarify that when I mention ‘work’ here, it includes ANY work. So, it could be the work at home done by a home-maker-parent or it could be work in a professional/entrepreneurial environment. Either way, every parent struggles to find that fine balance between ‘work’ and ‘parenting’, especially with younger kids […]
When a Mother’s Heart Sings #Poetry

Happiness runs around my house On tiny feet and little toes With a skip, jump and a hop, The sweetest voice humming random notes. Laa la laa, la laa la laa… Happiness makes my home come alive With incessant chatter and queries non stop, With unending role plays And twirly dances in bright little frocks. […]
Aashi by Maitabi Banerjee (Book Review)
Aashi is a book that raises some very pertinent questions through its plot about the lives women lead, constantly struggling to find the equilibrium that could make everyone happy. But is their own happiness even part of that equation? Aashi. Gentle, like a mild breeze. Yet fierce, like a gust of cyclonic wind threatening to […]
A Little Lesson in Love. #MommyMoments
There I was, a 30 year old, unable to love the way my 16 month old daughter did. It made me realise how much of our innocence we lose as we grow up. (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) My toddler hates her hair being washed. HATES it. There’s simply no […]
Dowry Deaths & our Desperation for Daughters’ Marriages
Sudha rushed into her room and shut the door close. Putting all her weight against it, she took deep long breaths even as tears threatened to erupt. She determinedly pulled a chair from nearby and lodged it under the handle to jam it. She could hear her husband and mother-in-law banging on it from outside. […]
The Anatomy of Choice by Harshali Singh #BookReview
Bhavya. Bee. Strong headed, fiercely Independent and aggressive. On the outside. On the inside though, is another story. On the inside, is a girl struggling with dilemmas, fighting with the demons of the past which have crept up into her present and muddled it to the extent that she can no longer comprehend where her […]
Book Review : The Emancipation Of Farzana Siddiqui by Radhika Tabrez
Daughter. A word that evokes myriad emotions all at once – Love, Care, Reliability, Support. As is oft quoted in Indian society “A son is a son till he gets a wife, a daughter is a daughter all her life”. She may not carry your name, but you know she always carries you in her […]