How Co-Sleeping became pivotal in my Motherhood Journey

My 3.5-year-old daughter and I co-sleep every day. Mostly during the nights, but also on the weekends, when we take our afternoon naps together too…
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read #BookReview

I am not sure what pushed me to pick ‘the book with the orange cover’ that had been sitting on my shelf for 3 years. I hadn’t given it much thought until a year ago when finally, thanks to its …
Day Care for Children – Yay or Nay? #MommyMoments
A decision that found me spiraling in doubt and despair, thanks to the social taboo we associate with sending our children to nurseries. For some reason, our society looks at this choice as an “abandonment”. (This post is part of my Mommy Moments series.) The Dilemma. When my daughter turned about 4 months old, I […]
A serendipitous lockdown, with my daughter. #MommyMoments
This post is part of my Mommy Moments series. They say life is all about the unexpected. A story of the unprepared chancing upon the unplanned. And sometimes, this chance meeting can be serendipitous. We came back to India in Feb this year with a buoyancy in every step. We were back, just in time. […]