Sharanya Misra

Book Review : The Emancipation Of Farzana Siddiqui by Radhika Tabrez

Daughter. A word that evokes myriad emotions all at once – Love, Care, Reliability, Support. As is oft quoted in Indian society “A son is a son till he gets a wife, a daughter is a daughter all her life”. She may not carry your name, but you know she always carries you in her […]

Book Review – PRALAY: THE GREAT DELUGE by Vineet Bajpai

“His eyes were blazing and his right hand was outstretched, his finger pointing straight at Manu, as Matsya screamed out the bloodcurdling words. PRALAY…ESHHYATI…! THE GREAT DELUGE…IS COMING…!” 1700 BCE. Harappa, the most advanced civilization on Earth, is on the verge of doom. The Surya of Harappa, the revered Vivasvan Pujari, is now a beast […]

Aqson (Level 1) by Koel Ganguly. A Superb Read!

Yuvrani Rathore. Bold, beautiful, regal, confident and the youngest ever President of NDP, the ruling party of India. Comfortable in her skin and her status, almost as if she were preparing for this her whole life. Toya Mahapatra or ‘Dinkey with an O’ as she is fondly called. Young, quirky, sensitive, caring and intelligent with […]

Aarohi & Just Another Day – Book Reviews

One Saturday morning, I sat down with a plate of piping hot upma, a tumbler of coffee and 2 interesting books in hand. Oops, let me correct myself, two e-books on my phone. This was going to be a morning of many firsts. Firstly, I was letting go of my steadfast resolve to ONLY read […]

The Glass Palace – Amitav Ghosh

Some 200 pages into this 547-page-book, someone asked me what the book is about. I had no idea. And that’s my biggest complaint. But then, let’s begin with page 1 ? Rajkumar lost his family as a little boy and now, all alone in the world, he fends for himself in Mandalay. Mandalay, the site […]

The Magical World of Enid Blyton!

A little girl, all of 9 years old, had locked herself up in her room. Her parents had been warned not to disturb her. Afterall, she had a few important meets lined up. First she had to visit Janet and her brother Peter and their 5 friends in their shed again. Their mother had promised […]

The Year of the Runaways – Sunjeev Sahota

Poverty & hope often go hand in hand. Humans, I believe, are programmed to fight till their last breath, and what drives them is the possibility of a better future, a miracle that could turn their lives around. So when the possibilities start seeming limited, we move on to what we believe are wider horizons, […]


Abdullah loves his little sister Pari as a mother would love her child. With their mother dead and a step-mother at home, Abdullah feels she is the only true family he has left. She means the world to him, and all he wants is to give her happiness abundant. But with a harsh winter coming, […]

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