Sharanya Misra

Here’s a fun activity! Let’s try and read this “TodaywetalkaboutPsychologicalDetach mentFromWorkthisisessentiallytheartofswitchingofffromworkduringleisuretimeresearchersclaimthatworkerswhodetachexperiencehigherpsychologicalwellbeingandevenperformbetteratwork”. Makes any sense? Most of us, even with our eyes closed, innately reach for the spaces, full stops and commas. We grumble on the lack of punctuations and spaces in what we read. Yet, surprisingly, we habitually disregard them in our everyday lives! Yes, I am talking of the time set aside to relax after work.

As a corporate generation we live on a fair share of coffees, cigarettes and drinks. Breaks are now for brainstorming (over more coffee) and unwinding is synonymous with discussing office affairs (more drinks). These stress busting measures we have seemed to embrace, ironically, keep us tied down to the very sources of our stress. We refuse to unburden! A true unwinding relaxation experience needs us to focus on something unrelated. Psychological Detachment From Work is in fact a recommended practice, proven to improve a person’s psychological and cognitive well-being. What it essentially means is giving ourselves the chance to Switch Off at the end of each day and relax after work. Or, to remember the full stop. What better way to wind down than to rediscover forgotten passions, make time for loved ones, free ourselves of expectations and basically step aside from the chaos, if only, for the night.

5 Ways to Relax After Work

Here are five great ways to unwind at the end of each day and relax after work!

  • Exercise

Exercise releases what I call “Happy Chemicals” or Endorphins that make us feel happy. Euphoric even! I find that pushing myself to get out for a brisk walk or a trip to the gym is the part that requires most effort. But once I do get there, I end up feeling relaxed, motivated, happy and inspired! And the best bit – you stay healthy!

  • A Hot Bath and a Cuppa Green Tea

Nothing makes me relax after work like a hot shower and a cup of decaffeinated green tea. The hot liquid not only makes me feel like I am detoxifying myself but also helps get rid of the lethargy and invigorates me to do more! So pick any drink of your choice – tea or coffee – and re-energise yourself at the end of a long day!

  • Pursue Your Passion

I have often found that the best way to relax at the end of the day for me is when there is a sense of achievement associated. For example, when I finally get down to reading that book I have been meaning to. Or when I finally get started on that new DIY project I have wanted to. While work always takes priority in life due to the monetary aspects involved, it is essential that we keep time aside to do the things that we love. So ask yourself what your passion is – cooking, writing, painting – whatever it may be, and get started!

  • Family Time

What better way to relax than spend it with the people we love. Sitting back on the sofa with the partner and kids, watching a movie or simply chatting is a great way to unwind. Not only does it make us happy, it also improves communication within the family and intensifies the emotional bond. So maybe instead of spending that half an hour at work finishing off a report that you could still do the next day, come back home to some extra time that your dear ones would value!

  • Sleep Well

Yes, make time for sleep!! A well rested mind works much more productively at work the next day too. Make sure you sleep atleast for 7-8 hours to revitalise your body and mind in preparation for another day at work.

As a people who seem to be living from weekend to weekend, why not find something to look forward to on weekdays as well? So, go home today, unwind, discover your passion, unveil your inner self and unburden!


Look out next week for my article on How to Overcome Sleep Challenges!

This article is a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2019 conducted by and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2019 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.

42 Responses

  1. This post made me stop and reflect on how I spare time everyday to just relax. And then I realised that it is the green tea break I take once or twice during the day that helps me stop in the daily rut and get mt perspective.

  2. This post made me stop and reflect on how I spare time everyday to just relax. And then I realised that it is the green tea break I take once or twice during the day that helps me stop in the daily rut and get mt perspective.

  3. Great ways to unwind and de-stress. At least the last four.. I still can’t wrap my head around the idea of using exercise as a destressor. But I’m trying! *facepalm*

  4. Great ways to unwind and de-stress. At least the last four.. I still can’t wrap my head around the idea of using exercise as a destressor. But I’m trying! *facepalm*

  5. No matter how you choose to unwind, it will be difficult to do if you are still thinking about work even when you’re out of the office. The first thing I do is turn my phone off. I deserve to save some time for myself and family after putting in most of the energy for the day into the office. There’s no better way to restore energy than getting a good night’s sleep.

  6. No matter how you choose to unwind, it will be difficult to do if you are still thinking about work even when you’re out of the office. The first thing I do is turn my phone off. I deserve to save some time for myself and family after putting in most of the energy for the day into the office. There’s no better way to restore energy than getting a good night’s sleep.

  7. I spend time with my twelve year old daughter. I generally teach her Science and English or sometimes listen to her practice the Violin. And of course a cuppa of Green Tea is a must.

  8. I spend time with my twelve year old daughter. I generally teach her Science and English or sometimes listen to her practice the Violin. And of course a cuppa of Green Tea is a must.

  9. Relaxing is important to set the tempo for new beginnings. I understand different people choose different ways to rejuvenate. I love putting all lights off and staring at the streets from my 16th floor apartment. I keep the music on while I gaze. #superbloggerchallenge

  10. Relaxing is important to set the tempo for new beginnings. I understand different people choose different ways to rejuvenate. I love putting all lights off and staring at the streets from my 16th floor apartment. I keep the music on while I gaze. #superbloggerchallenge

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